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There are some points to characters I really like. I'll list through them below. Most often, this is what's going to make me really adore playing with someone.



​I have a particular weakness for guys who pack a verbal punch and a bad attitude. I like the rouge, the smartass, the rule breakers, the ones who you know are trouble when they walk in. The sweetest moment is that instant when the playboy finds himself caught up just as deep as they left the other girls who's hearts they broke. And of course, there's always the myth that the more trouble the are, the sweeter they can be when they find something they like.  

Protective/Possessive Nature 



The general male go to for almost anything female. Guys who become protective or possessive once they begin to like someone are always a crowd pleaser with me. It's a play back to my more retrosexual nature. The male always strikes me as the one who should think he's the 'guardian'. Even if he gets saved in the end.

Slow Seduction



And by slow I mean slow. It's the build that does it for me. The almost kisses, the moments where you're up against the wall and his lips are inches from yours. Your heart is pounding. You tremble. You can't help but think about just how close he is.. And then he pulls back and smirks at you and you have to deny everything. Right up until he decides it's time to really put the heat on and show you just how much he's aware you want him. And he's right. You do. This can also work in your favor for "near rape" scenes. In other words, reading the positive reactions and going for it even while disinterest is verbalized. Your mouth says no, but your body says yes.



You're good and you know it. It shows in just about everything you do, and you probably don't have a problem telling anyone about it. Worse? You can generally back it up and have no issue putting your money where your mouth is.

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